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Growth Focused Experiental Learning
Now, more than ever, it’s important to get the most out of resources, including team members. With the hiring market being what it is, it’s crucial to find ways to help existing talent add new abilities and skills that create value, enhance business, and help position the organization for future growth.
Fast Ascension offers affordable, quick, experiential learning that will positively impact your organization and improve your bottom line. We specialize in short-burst practical training that gets to the point by exposing participants to concepts and practices they can use immediately. Your talent develops a new skill, adopts a new mindset, builds better work habits and creates a never ending stream of value for you!

What we do

(Developing Software Engineers)
Our Zero-to-Hero program is designed to help those with little-to-no technical experience become software engineers so they can create more value for you.
Kick start your new hires with an exciting and enriching boot camp that will have them ready on day one
Orbital Velocity
Upskill your current teams to meet new and ever changing challenges
Contact us to launch your teams!

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